Coldwell Banker Real Estate Incline Village header

Alvin Steinberg, Real Estate Broker
(775) 832-1888

931 Tahoe Blvd, Incline Village, NV  89541 (Google Map)

CA DRE #00428896
NRED #0022754

Coldwell Banker Real Estate Incline Village header

Alvin Steinberg, Real Estate Broker
(775) 832-1888

CA DRE #00428896 • NRED #0022754

The Incline Village &
Lake Tahoe Blog

Incline Village Gets New Grocery Outlet

Incline Village Gets New Grocery Outlet

INCLINE VILLAGE, Nev. — Incline Village residents will be seeing their options for grocery stores expand this year with the opening of a new Grocery Outlet expected to happen by the end of 2023. “It took about 18 months to negotiate the many details of the agreement,”...

Ansel Adams Lookout

Ansel Adams Lookout

In the year 1938, Lake Tahoe was a very different place than what we see today. The forests were recovering from being clear-cut in the late 1800s; the highway was a narrow, winding road; and few people lived year-round in Incline Village. The first tunnel had been...

Tax Season Guide to Small Business Expense Deductions

Whether you love tax season or hate it, you can’t put off preparing and filing your return. One thing that can make the task more pleasant is maxing out all the various tax deductions your business qualifies for. Claiming deductions can save your business money at tax...