I think it’s safe to say that if you are about to embark on a new kitchen or bath project there’s never been a better time to get educated on the trends. As a designer I’m not a big fan of following trends, however, I have a trained eye and know how to navigate the challenging waters of a large investment like a remodel or new build. While you should always select things you like, there are some rules you must adhere to in order to ensure your investment takes you the distance; otherwise you end up spending thousands of dollars that could instantly date your space ten years without you even realizing it.

About a year ago I was contacted by a gal who was building a three million dollar home in Northern California. Her husband was adamant about installing espresso cabinets and stainless steel appliances with travertine. Ummm, where’d you get that idea, 2005? If they had moved forward with their plans they would have dated their brand new kitchen almost twenty years by the time they moved in, not to mention regretted spending $75K on their kitchen design. This is why it’s important to have an understanding of trends. You don’t have to adhere to all of the “it” things, but you do have to play by some of the rules so you don’t blow your money in an uninformed way, and regret it.
Five things to get over right now that are OUT, OUT, OUT!
- The all-white kitchen and the all-white bathroom are out!
- Stainless steel appliances are OUT!
- Spaces devoid of color – Out!
- Spaces devoid of beautiful details – OUT!
- Grey is OUT!
I think it’s safe to say that our country has been swept away by the Marie Kondo way of living. Simplify, organize and beautify your life. Built-in organization is making a massive come back. Walk into any home built in the early nineteenth century and built-in cabinets with clever storage were through out the house. While many homes today no longer build cabinets into the wall, that doesn’t mean your cabinets can’t have incredibly clever gadgets to help you stay organized. All in all many of the trends that were peeking out in last years KBIS kitchen and bath show have now made their grand entrance, and they are here to stay! Here are the 5 trends you need to know about as you prepare your new space:
1. Organized Cabinets
– clever, easy to use storage was everywhere. Have a cabinet that’s too high? No problem! Corner cabinet with dead space? No problem! Junk drawer…no more! Sloppy appliances all over the bathroom counter with messy cords? Not any more! Enter in the new kid to organize, simplify and beautify your inner world.

2. Colored Appliances
– I mean, this has been a growing trend for close to three years now so if you’ve been working with an interior designer, they likely steered you away from Stainless. Stainless has been going fifteen years strong so it’s certainly time for a change. The kicker is, when you start to create your dream space the stuff that’s “out” is likely the stuff that’s on sale or super affordable. This can make it a tough choice when you’re working with a budget. And you may say, but Amanda if I choose a pink stove it won’t be nearly as classic as stainless. The good news is, while color is the “IT” choice for appliances, (side note YELLOW is coming in HOT) white and black are making a huge comeback!

3. The All-White Kitchen and Bath Are Out!
Wood is making a strong comeback and strong color still rules the trends! So if you’re thinking about doing that trendy all-white kitchen you saw on Pinterest, think again! And FYI – tread lightly on Pinterest. It’s a great source for inspiration but the platform is now 10 years old and so are many of it’s photos. So just because an all-white kitchen is popping up, doesn’t mean it’s a new photo.

4. Mosaics Full of Pattern and Design
– Gone are the day of boring shiplap, white walls and zero detail. The mosaic trend is on the rise and pattern and color abounds! As more and more people grab onto the color trend and embrace drama through the details, mosaics are the way to wow factor!

5. Details and Drama-
While simplicity still reigns supreme as we learn to get more organized, declutter and downsize our lives, that doesn’t mean we want to be devoid of delightful, dramatic details. Now is the time for the unexpected wow factor! In the early 2000’s the gluttonous mediterranean trend was full of color and detail to the extreme, so it’s vast white, stark counterpart with rustic details mended our cluttered hearts. It was much easier on the eyes until boredom set in. Low and behold those much needed details are peeking back through. Textured hardware, gold hinges, carved corbels, painted sinks, mosaics, and black as the sky’s night d r a m a – these moody, delightful shiny and textured details abound to surprise our senses and extend wow factor beyond the front door.

This year is predicting that our upcoming spaces are going to be far more organized, simplified but full of color and details. Black is the new grey, blue is on it’s way out and green is still a big trend replacing blue. Gold is still the number one finish choice to add that extra elegance to your space. Wood cabinets are on the rise and if you dare invest in an all-white kitchen with stainless steel appliances, your pocket book will regret it!
It’s all about the details so invest in the things that matter, and the things that wow you. I mean seriously, who has a coral refrigerator? When your guests arrive and delight in your details that is the BEST energy you can have to elevate your space – not to mention make that investment stick for the long haul!
Source: gatesinteriordesign.com